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42 Coffee Roasters  |  SKU: 42-17

42 Coffee Roasters Capsule Coffee

29.00 AED



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The surrounding coffee region is on the plateau where the Andes mountain range reaches southern Colombia from Ecuador. The Cauca and Popayan plateau is at an average of 1600 meters above sea level and includes the neighboring Purace volcano, which has over time has produced the region’s rich soil. Coffee farms in the region are usually smaller than 5 hectares. The region is also home to several indigenous groups that have been growing coffee for decades. There are two rainy seasons that produce a main crop and a mid crop — or mitaca — guaranteeing fresh coffee year round. The main crop is between April and December, and the somewhat smaller mid crop is between December and January. All cherries are handpicked and then pulped and washed on the farms. The dry parchment is then sold to a dry mill that arranges the selection and export. Coffees from near Popayán — as a result of the area’s soil conditions, altitude and washed processing — generally have a very nice aroma, a medium acidity and a medium body. These features combine to present a pleasant, sweet, chocolate aftertaste.